Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Something embarrassing

I think i m still in dreamland.. As in i still feel like I m not really myself still hahah.. Still did some stupid stuff...

Today i did a good deed. I helped the dirty male toilet, toilet bowl flush it.. ahhhahhaha.. Today me and teresa went to vivo to have dinner. Then i pulled her to e toilet. When i went into e toilet i tot how come so few cubicle. Then i went into a cubicle and i was like yucks e toilet bowl so dirty... Suddenly Teresa started shouting from the toilet entrance.. Amanda wrong toilet this is male toilet.. I was like huh weird teresa.. I already locked e door. Anyway i was still thinking she must be thinking e toilet was dirty.. But then something weird happened a big fat man was in front of me.. Gosh i literally followed the big fat man out of the toilet(I think he didn't wash his hands.. Yucks! ok that is so not the point) So embarrassed! Then when i saw e urinal then i was very sure i was in e wrong toilet. i should have jus stayed there and die.. I still pull poor teresa into e male toilet.. Gosh i seriously tot it was e female toilet le! And teresa said this was e first time she walked into e wrong toilet... Ahhh.. i want to die... And gosh guys r really dirty! i tot the girls toilet was seriously dirty ur sld totally go c a guy's toilet.. Totally yucks... E sight of some things in there really want to make me puke.. ahhahha..

Oh ya today e jap colleague told me i will be overtaking his duties of IT apparently.. E big boss haven't announce it to me yet.. Anyway I m supposed to be in charge of the whole co's IT... I tot he was joking, but i think he was quite serious when he said that.. Gosh and i asked him y m i e choice.. He said cos e other 2 ppl good in IT are always overseas. So since i m always in the office i m in charge.. Gosh. I tot i was only in charge of e server but he said both sap and server.. gosh.. faint! He said e other 2 ppl good in IT it means he thinks i m good in IT too.. Gosh he haven't seen me inject virus into my sis laptop a few hundred times causing it to crash.. hahahha.. I think i will jus keep asking them to reboot their system.. Hee.. But ok la.. quite good experience.. But it is such irony.. A few wks ago when i know e 2 jap were leaving i was still laughing.. cos it means big boss must be in charge of IT then imagine we ask him when we encounter any small problem.. Hahhaha.. In e end.. It must be karma! but ok la.. Hopefully can learn more...


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