Jus read ziwei's blog. It really makes me think abt how things do not turn out e way we want it to. And how we as human persist in letting things go our way.
Personally i m rather sturbborn. When i can't have my way i would get angry and upset, and act in a way i nv knew i could act. So i can understand e feelings of things not goin ur way.
In love there is no right or wrong. Although i have nv experience boy-girl love i always felt that way. U can't understand why u like that person or even when u like that person. Love is jus so blind. When u love at times u may find it hard to let go. it is always hard to let go. Eg.. i know this is a stupid example but i have to say. When my mom asked me to give my doll house away to my cousin i cried and threw a tantrum. Didn't bear to give e things that i liked most away. Even towards non-living things ppl have such strong feelings. Much less a person.
Like wei ming said love is a gamble, if u gamble u may win, if u don't u will surely lose. But i have to add.. at times this gamble hurt ppl. People u love e most. Letting go is v impt. In my life i have learnt to let go a few times.. (not refering to e doll house thing hee..) I always find it hard to let go. But after i let go i felt so relief.. I felt so light ( i know i was nv heavy, since i m so thin and an umbrella can make me fly, but that is not wat i mean. And pls i m not on drugs when i say i feel light, nv support drugS!) I felt like e burdans r all gone. Can't really understand y i can't let go, after i let go. Felt so stupid to have held on
To Ziwei! ppl say things brainlessly when they r upset. When u r hurt by wat someone say u would naturally want to hurt e person in e same way. Human's instinct of defense. Some weird instinct but it exist. When i m angry i always remain silent, if i can la. So that i won't hurt e ppl around me. When i say things when i m angry and hurt e ppl, i usually end up feeling v guilty. Ziwei so don't take wat e person said to heart ok? And this person who hurt u is most probably dying of guilt now.. He/she oso had his retributions so forgive him la.. I know it will take time for ur wounds to heal. I don't know if saying this will help but cheer up!