Read his blog and realise he have boy-girl relationship again. So here to dedicate sth to him. u know at times u feel scared abt sth, and after doing it u feel that u will nv do it again. But after that u forget then u do it again. My example of this experience is getting my hair cut. After i had my hair cut i always feel tat i will nv let any1 cut my hair again. But then i forget and get excited abt getting my hair cutted. I think relationships and love is like that. U think u may nv be able to forget her, but then one day u will forget her and be with someone else again. So kok meng don't be so troubled..
At times relationships between people is scary. At times u r so easily replaced. People take things for granted. Especially if that sth is always there for them. I think in my life i have always loved more than i have been loved in return. Whether it is friends or family. At times when these ppl take u for granted, u swear to forget them, but that is hard to do. U either really forget them or fall deeper, can nv forget them. Don't take e ppl around u for granted, maybe if they disappear u may miss them a lot. Maybe u will take for granted wat ur love ones do, whether it is listen to u complain, cook for u, or jus always there going shopping with u. Don't forget them.
Wonder wat would happen if i disappear. Will anyone miss me? Maybe i have been replaced in some ppl's heart. Lay ping once say that she thinks e ppl who r closest to her will be e ppl she will be last with her uni frens. I didn't think it was true when she first say that, cos to me, it is so scary that ppl can replace another person so easily. Maybe it is true relationships r so easily replaced. Maybe u r first with that person cos of the "freshness" of being with that person. To kok meng, maybe that person will one day be replaced with someone else, so don't be sad.
It started off ok. with ppl jus waking up and me waking ppl up. Hey elin, sorry for waking u up. It got fun after awhile.
First me yik, xiwen, layping went mac. Then we kind of chat, it was a pleasant chat. Talking abt our job and stuff.. Really fun. Later we cycle back. Haha.. on our way to e chalet, that lp's bro call and ask when she coming back, then i answer and tell him, i got no food, i not his mom. haha..
Well later we went to help buy food. But well, we were not much help. Hee.. 8 ppl buying food for 20ppl that seems a bit ridiculous. Hee..
After that we went to e room and play mahjong. Haha.. basically except elin, me xw and yik were kind of idiots in mahjong. haha.. Later play uno stacko on e bed with anlin, yik and xw. It was really fun! So exciting. We laughed so hard e thing keep shaking. We were a noisy gang upstairs. Had a lot of fun cycling with anlin and xw. Anlin always v fast.
Anyway later we went cycling with anlin, elin, and ee teck. We cycle till e end. e furthest i have been so far. On e way back elin fell. Her fall was quite bad. We saw blood coming out from her nose. So scary! I didn't know wat to do luckily anlin was there. I think she wanted to answer her phone or sth, then she jus fell. Gave us a huge shock. She was like semi conscious, during some point of time like almost faint. Ee teck carried her to the toilet while i look after e bike. Luckily anlin was there to look after her, or else we would be in trouble, i wouldn't have known wat to do. except maybe to scream for help. Hee.. anyway those funny guys want to go save ppl. 3 tried running here. We were at bedok jetty there, which was v far from e chalet, then e other one cycle in e wrong direction. haha.. don't know wat to say abt them. Managed to help elin back. on e way took taxi back to chalet.
Later at abt midnight, my dad called and have to go home le. so have to rush home. Then e ppl at e chalet started singing birthday song. Haha.. it was a funny scene, me rushing out, they singing bday song. Didn't manage to cut e cake they bought.
Thanks guys for everything, for celebrating my bday with me. Thanks for not putting toothpaste on my face! Maybe some of e guys didn't remember my bday, but at least they sang a loud bday song for me. Thanks lay ping and yan hua for e present! i haven't seen it yet, but i m sure i will like it. Thanks elin for organising e chalet thing. Thanks liling and ying hui for messaging me happy bday. Haha.. Thanks all these JC frens for remembering my bday. Thanks a lot!
Went to geylang to buy tao hua. Complicated place. Saw lots of hookers. Well man and their sexual wants. Anyway tao hua v nice to eat. But well makes me think really complicated place. Every girl who is decent looking if u jus go there eat ppl will think that u r a hooker. Makes me think abt ppl and their sterotype. Don't really like ppl who sterotype other. Well i have to admit i sterotype some ppl too. But if possible try not to. Try to truly understand e person. Maybe e traits u sterotype abt that person is quite true, but well there may still be other things abt e person u don't know. To guess a person's character e first time is not easy. ppl often remember others weaknessess more than their strength. I will try hard to don't do that. Well another issue. Can't understand how ppl can sell themselves for money. Maybe cos i have been in a relatively fortunate family where i don't have to face with much money issues. Well hopefully i will nv have to betray myself for money in e future.
Well i received a teenage soul bk from lp and yan hua. Thanks again. interesting bk. Hee.. My sis gave me a bracelet that is really nice to.. love it!
Hee.. lp once ask me if i would be angry if e ppl forget abt my bday. I won't be angry, jus hurt that they didn't remember. Well to me now it is e only impt date in my life. I mean i have not married so no wedding anniversary to remember. Haha.. so it is to me an important thing. Well lp oso asked me if i would rather remind ppl of my bday or have them forgetting my bday. I would say neither. Haha.. Those ppl who treat u importantly will nv forget ur bday. I nv seen my dad forgetting my mom's bday. And i don't remember my family forgetting my bday. I didn't remind some ppl abt my bday. To test how much i m to them. Well, ur know e answers. Thanks for those ppl who remembered.
Feeling rather moody. maybe cos i m old already! haha.. maybe bcos of my pms. Well i don't know.